Fresh frozen plasma can be a vital resource for neonatal puppies, especially within the first 24 hours of their lives. Proper handling and administration are crucial to ensure its effectiveness, ensuring their best chance for a healthy start. Here are some tips:
Fresh Frozen Plasma Use for Neonatal Puppies:
1. Keep all plasma frozen until use.
2.To thaw, carefully warm the plasma to body temperature by placing the tube against your body. Only warm the tubes needed for each administration and keep the remaining tubes in the freezer. Do NOT heat in warm water or microwave, as this will damage the proteins and render the plasma ineffective. Gently rock the tube during thawing; do not shake.
3. The dose is 5 cc per puppy 3 times over a 24 hour period. If this can be administered in the first 24 hours after birth, it can be given orally with a feeding tube. After the pups are 24 hours old, it must be given by subq or IO injection to be effective.
4. Draw 5 cc of warmed plasma into a syringe. Use a feeding tube (if less than 24 hours old) or a 20 or 22 gauge needle (for pups over 24 hours old) to inject the plasma. For subcutaneous injection, pinch the skin to prevent leakage. For feeding tube administration, follow the specific instructions carefully.
5. Repeat 2 more times in the next 24 hours. Change to subq injection if the pups have exceeded 24 hours of age before the doses are administered.
Please call if you have questions prior to administration of the plasma.
Thanks to Dr. Marty Greer for sharing this valuable content from her Breeder’s Library. Her book “Canine Reproduction & Neonatology” is invaluable to breeders and is available on Amazon.